Why Choose
Schulte Associates?
With Schulte Associates, you don’t get recent college grads on your project that you have to train. Instead, we have been around the block a few times. So whether you are an energy utility, or project developer interested in selling to or through utilities, you get expert resources with deep experience, and technical/diplomatic expertise to address your opportunities and challenges quickly and efficiently.
Unique Qualifications
We know energy utility company corporate strategy, planning, engineering, construction, operations, regulatory/legislative affairs and customer service practices. We are equally comfortable doing Board, Public Utilities Commission, legislative committee, City Council or corporate presentations or talking issues and concerns with work crews on the back bumper of their work vehicles.
Due Diligence
SA offers independent, objective, qualified, expert due-diligence services on a contract basis to assess your new initiative or struggling organization. You get straight answers from SA, plus actionable plans based on our assessment to make your project or operations better.
We have a wide range of energy-related skills that you can quickly plug into your pressing challenges right now. From strategy to planning to project development to regulatory and legislative affairs and hands-on management. A “Swiss Army Knife” of diverse management skills to address and resolve multiple and potentially interlocking challenges you may be currently facing.
We typically complete Non-Disclosure and Non-Competition agreements with client, but do not really need them. We don’t talk with others about your activities. And with SA, you get the straight story about your projects and initiatives with the right outcome for your business a priority—even if the answers may limit SA’s future business.
With SA, you get the skills and experience of the big consulting firms, but without the corresponding overhead and cost.