"Why the Vision of Interregional Electric Transmission Development in FERC Order 1000 is Not Happening"
FERC Order 1000 envisioned interregional electric transmission development in the US. Read this article from The Electricity Journal that describes why, after nearly ten years, it is not yet happening and potential solutions.
“100% Clean Energy: The California Conundrum”
California leads the way toward 100% clean energy going forward. Read this article from The Electricity Journal that describes the challenges involved and solutions to achieve it.
Enabling Large-Scale Renewables in the Upper Midwest
How to pack 3,300 MW of renewables down an existing 2,400 MW HVDC transmission line from Utah to Southern California? Read about it in this January 2018 Power Engineering article.

Market and Tariff Challenges to Grid-Level Energy Storage
Thinking about using grid-level energy storage to enable renewables in an RTO or ISO? Read about the challenges involved and solutions for them in this paper.
Gregory County Pumped Storage with Renewables Feasibility Study
How to combine 1200 MW of pumped hydro storage and 2,400 MW of wind energy to create a dispatchable, 100% renewable, baseload energy resource for the future.

Lessons from Iowa
The lessons-learned in the proposed 270 MW Iowa Stored Energy Park compressed air energy storage (CAES) project. This summary report is the DOE “cookbook” on how (and how not) to do a CAES facility enabling wind development in an ISO. For the detailed references, consult www.lessonsfromiowa.org